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October 13, 2021

Kónya Levente többek között a Kuttya és az ÉL zenekarok gitáros-énekeseként vett részt Debrecen zenei életében. Tizenéves korától sokat utcazenélt, ebben a műfajban megszerezte a legrangosabb hazai elismerést: 2005-ben a veszprémi utcazenei fesztiválon megkapta a szakmai zsűri díját. Ebben az előadásában zajjal, csenddel és zenével kapcsolatos gondolatait hallhatjuk. Participated in the musical life of Debrecen as guitarist-singer of the bands Kuttya and ÉL. Few people here know that he began his musical career on the trumpet, not on a stringed instrument but on the brass. As a music student he sang in the primary school choir and as a high school student in the College Choir. From his teenage years he performed a lot of street music, and in this genre he won the most prestigious Hungarian award: in 2005 he was awarded the prize of the professional jury at the street music festival in Veszprém. He has been a member of several blues bands in Debrecen and has worked in other interesting projects here and in Sepsiszentgyörgy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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