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image  1 TED Talks - Is loving yourself more at the top of your list in 2023
December 31, 2022

Is loving yourself more at the top of your list in 2023? It may seem selfish, but it actually can help you love others more, says Dan Harris, meditation advocate and former news anchor. After having a panic attack on national TV and getting some very honest (and not-so-positive) feedback from his colleagues, Harris realized that he was actually kind of ... a jerk. ⁠⁠So, he did what any person would do — he signed up for a 9-day silent meditation retreat to help him manage his anxiety and deal with his inner demons. But did it work? He says meditation taught him how to quiet his inner critic *and* up his love game. And that not only benefited his psychological and emotional state, but it also made him more generous and available to others. "It’s courageous because it’s hard to look at your demons," Harris said. "When you high-five your demons, they don't own you as much." ⁠⁠Want to know more about his experience in learning how to quiet your inner critic and be kinder to yourself and others? Visit the link in our bio to watch his funny and skeptical talk on the benefits of not being a jerk.
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