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August 11, 2021

Saverio Tommasi realizza reportage e inchieste in Italia e all'estero affrontando temi di grande attualità e sensibilità e facendo un grande lavoro di informazione e di denuncia. Racconta la bellezza che sta negli anfratti, nei caduti, negli ultimi, nei fragili, nei vulnerabili, nei calpestati, nei piegati. Ma soprattutto la bellezza che sta nella capacità di entrare in relazione, di raccontare storie, per provare a sopravvivere al dolore e andare avanti finché è possibile.

Saverio Tommasi tackles current issues through his news reports made in Italy and abroad. He shares his idea of beauty shaped by the stories of people he has met along his way, people coming from circumstances of various kinds. Beauty lies in pain, fear, atrocity, family and in many other things. Finding it is a courageous act, but through words we are able to express it and make connections. He was born and lives in Florence.
He graduated from the "Accademia di Arte Drammatica" in Bologna and worked in theatre for almost ten years.
He is a journalist for, author of reports and surveys in Italy and abroad, his videos have millions of views.
He founded the association Sheep Italia, to support recovery paths and involves more than 6000 volunteers.
He published "Siate ribelli, praticate gentilezza", "Sogniamo più forte della paura" (Sperling & Kupfer 2017 and 2018) and "In fondo basta una parola (Feltrinelli, 2021). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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