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September 1, 2021

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Násilie číha na ženy často práve tam, kde by sa mali cítiť najbezpečnejšie – doma, v kruhu najbližších. Mária vysvetľuje, ako predsudky a kontraintuitívne správanie obete dokážu zasahovať do procesu pomoci a prečo je dôležité o prítomnosti násilia v spoločnosti hovoriť.

Domestic violence can only continue when we are not talking about it.

The danger of violence lurks for women often where they are supposed to feel the safest – at home, among their loved ones. Maria explains how the prejudices and counterintuitive behavior of the victim can intervene with the aid process and why it is important to talk about the presence of violence in society. Mária je vedúcou poradkýň Národnej linky pre ženy zažívajúce násilie. Usiluje sa o to, aby boli ľudia všímavejší k tomu, čo sa deje v ich okolí a za dverami iných domácností.

Mária is the leading adviser for The National Hotline for Women Survivors of Violence. She strives to make people more aware of what is happening around them and behind the doors of other households. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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