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November 9, 2021

Znovuobjavený 15-ročný výskum baktérií, ktoré dokážu čistiť a ťažiť minerály ekologicky a za zlomok ceny môžu byť riešením mnohých problémov, ktorým v súčasnosti naša spoločnosť čelí. Tieto baktérie sa využívajú v Nemecku na čistenie toxických skládok z druhej svetovej vojny, zanechávajúc len úrodnú pôdu a materiál využiteľný ako bio hnojivo. V Slovinsku baktérie čistia piesok nízkej kvality tak, aby sa dal využiť pri produkcii skla, zatiaľ čo sa týmto procesom minimalizujú náklady na dovoz vysokokvalitného piesku zo zámoria.
Rediscovered 15 year old research of bacteria that could clean and mine minerals ecologically and for a fraction of the price might just be the solution to many problems the society is currently facing. The bacteria are already being used in Germany to clean toxic landfills from the second world war, leaving only fertile soil to use as biofertilizers. In Slovenia, bacteria clean low quality sand and refactor it to serve in glass production, minimizing the delivery costs of importing high quality sand from overseas.

Biotechnologist, CEO and founder of Ekolive startup aiming to bring forth ecological mineral mining, cleaning the environment and removing pesticides and chemical fertilizers from soil. She worked as coordinator and manager of BioLeach european project.

She is currently working at the Slovenian National Institute of Engineering and also works as a mentor at Beyond pre-accelerator for students and young professionals. She is a member of the first Community of Sustainability experts of the Visegrad Group focused on climate neutrality and the strategy of sustainable development. She was awarded a special prize by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic as one of the five young innovative entrepreneurs in Slovakia 2020. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

#biotech #environment #science #slovak #tedxtalks